Let’s talk about robes! I will (unapologetically) own up to my obsessive attachment to my robe collection. I literally cannot get enough of my robes. But, what I can’t understand is how everyone isn’t equally obsessed with at least one robe! My sister happens to be one of the people who didn’t inherit a deep love for high-quality robes. That all changed when I was lucky enough to score 2 Pharaoh’s Robes and give her one of them. I had read from a blogger about how great they were, but had to find out for myself. So, I applied for 2 Pharaohs’ Robes on their website (they only manufacture 700 annually) and was lucky enough to be chosen! I booked us a brunch, mani/pedi, and massage to celebrate her graduation from nursing school. At brunch, she opened her new hand-crafted Pharaoh’s Robe and seemed initially confused, but the second she touched it she was in awe at how super plush and cozy it was. When we headed to our massages, she wasn’t even on the table before she was hooked! She came out of her massage wearing her robe over her clothes and told me she was pretty sure she could use it as a jacket and never need to take it off. It’s been a month or so, and she’s still sending me a picture every time she wears it. All that to say, even a Robe Rookie can appreciate pure luxury!